Unlimited Leads + Free Email Finder + Linkedin Lead Enrichment

Unlimited Leads + Free Email Finder + Linkedin Lead Enrichment
Super Send's Free Email Finder - input a first name, last name, and domain, and we'll guess and validate their email!
A quick shout out to early supporters of Super Send (and yes there's still time to be an early supporter!). We launched only a few months ago now and it's been a really fun jouney so far. Can't wait to see what 2023 holds!

There are now over 900 people who have joined and I can't thank you enough for your support 🙏 ... ok onto the valuable stuff.
Go from Sales Navigator to Super Send, finding emails along the way!

What up Super Senders!

Happy New Year, I'm thrilled to announce we've release 2 new awesome tools for for you. One is free as in beer, and the other is included in all plans.

  1. A free email finder
  2. An update to the chrome extension to pull Linkedin Sales Navigator searches, enrich leads (find emails + validate them) and import them into a Super Send campaign.

Chrome Extension Update

We've just updated our chrome extension to be able to pull leads from Linkedin sales navigator, look up their company, guess their email address and add them to a Super Send campaign with the click of a button. You can do this an infinite amount of times. Unlimited leads! imagine!

When you're on a sales navigator search page, open up the chrome extension and select your team + campaign and how many pages of search results you want to add to Super Send. We'll automatically grab the:

  • first name
  • last name
  • company name
  • Linkedin company url
  • Try and get their actual domain name
  • Guess and validate their email address
  • Get their location (country and state)

It can take a bit of time to guess the emails but just leave the extension open, and when it's done, click "Save X Leads".

Free Email Finder

We also released a free email email finder. Add a first name, last name (if you have it) and someone's domain name like supersend.io and we will do our best to find the person's email address and validate it for you. Pretty neat!

Free Email Finder - enter a first and last name and domain and we’ll find the email address
Super Send's Free Email Finder And Validator

The chrome extension can still grab linkedin profiles from the non sales-navigator search results page, but it will not guess email addresses, for that, you'll need a subscription to Linkedin sales navigator.

If you missed our other recent update, you can read more here:

Release 12/31/22
* 30% more accurate email validator * We now support Linkedin Sales Nav urls as well as Linkedin recruiter urls. * Start Node + Note Node in sequences. Start your sequences more clearly with a start node and write notes to yourself about what the flow does. * Undo / Redo button in sequences Le…

And if you haven't logged in in a while, you might notice your new sequences look a liiiitle different... that's beause we've got shiny new sequence builder:

Our Biggest Update Yet!
We’ve radically changed how sequences are built in Super Send! This has been the #1 feature request and it’s finally here. Instead of being limited by just a step + a wait step, we’ve built a crazy flexible system we feel better aligns with our customers needs to create laser focused

We've also created a community. If you'd like to join, ping me here or on Twitter. We'll have a special place for subscribers and hope to share cold outreach secrets, get feedback on sequences and copy, and overall help each other grow. Rising tide!

A rising tide lifts all boats

Happy Sending,
